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  • Round of applause to Turkey for the return of religious property

    Wallenberg Foundation’s recognition ROME – The International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation has welcomed the decision of Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan to return to religious minorities hundreds of properties confiscated by the Turkish state since 1936. The publication of the decree of restitution of property was announced by the Turkish prime minister on Sunday August 28. The […]

  • Tribute to John XXIII from a Nobel Peace Prize candidate.

    Baruj Tenembaum, a ”descendant of slaves” Rome, Wednesday, December 30, 2009 (ZENIT.org) – Among the top listed candidates to the Nobel Peace Prize, eventually conferred to President Barak Obama, was Barucj Tenembaum, the founder of the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation, as confirmed by PRIO, a prestigious and independent academic institute from Oslo, Norway. On the […]

  • Jesuit Honored for Saving 3 Jewish Children

    Pair of Brothers, Cousin hid among Catholic School students ROME, DEC. 15, 2010 (Zenit.org).- Graziano Sonnino and Marco Pavoncello remember Jesuit Father Raffaele de Ghantuz Cubbe for his courage and goodness. It was that courage and goodness that saved their lives, along with the life of Sonnino’s brother Mario. The Sonninos and Pavoncello, as young […]

  • Mass Offered for Anti-Nazi Diplomats

    Tribute Paid to Those Who Followed Conscience ROME, JUNE 18, 2010 (Zenit.org).- Several cardinals of the Roman Curia concelebrated a Mass on Thursday for the eternal repose of two anti-Nazi diplomats who worked to rescue Jews during World War II. The souls of Luis Martins de Sousa Dantas and Aristides de Sousa Mendes were prayed […]

  • A Catholic From El Salvador Proclaimed As Righteous Among the Nations

    Colonel José Arturo Castellanos saved Jews during the WWII New York, Sunday, May 30, 2010 (ZENIT.org). Thanks to an initiative of the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation, Colonel José Arturo Castellanos, a catholic and a former Consul of El Salvador in Geneva during the WWII, was declared ”Righteous Among the Nations” by Yad Vashem, the ”Holocaust […]

  • Nobel Candidate Honors John XXIII

    Wallenberg Foundation Founder Notes Pope’s Help for Jews ROME, JAN. 13, 2010 (Zenit.org).- One of the candidates for this year’s Nobel Peace Prize has dedicated his life to discovering those whom he calls heroic human beings. On his list is Pope John XXIII. Baruj Tenembaum, founder of the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation, was nominated to […]

  • iDialogue Pioneer Expects Headway From Papal Trip

    Says Pilgrimage Is Historic Chance to Strengthen Bonds JERUSALEM, MAY 11, 2009 (Zenit.org).- The founder of the Raoul Wallenberg Foundation says he is expecting the visit Benedict XVI began today in Israel to deepen dialogue between Catholics and Jews. Baruch Tenembaum, a pioneer in interreligious dialogue since the times of Pope Paul VI, told ZENIT […]

  • Papal trip prompts call for holocaust hero stories

    Foundation Seeks Testimonies of Jews Saved by Catholics JERUSALEM, APRIL 21, 2009 (Zenit.org).- In view of Benedict XVI’s upcoming Holy Land visit, the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation has launched a worldwide appeal for testimonies of Jews saved by Catholics during the Holocaust. The foundation explained in a statement: ”During World War II, a great number […]

  • Holocaust Heroes Needed

    Foundation Launches Information Appeal NEW YORK, JAN. 30, 2009 (Zenit.org).- The International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation is launching an appeal for information regarding Italian citizens who saved persecuted people during World War II. The New York-based foundation, with the mission to honor, preserve and divulge the legacies of the rescuers of the Holocaust, noted that there […]

  • Jewish Leader Wants Honor for John XXIII

    Says Pope Should Be Declared ”Righteous Among the Nations” ROME, NOV. 4, 2008 (Zenit.org).- The founder of the Raoul Wallenberg Foundation wants Pope John XXIII to receive the honorary title given to those who took extraordinary measures to save Jews from the Holocaust. Baruch Tenembaum is proposing that the Italian Pope be given the title […]

  • Eichmann’s diary reveals Catholic Church’s assistance to Jews

    After guarding Adolf Eichmann’s diaries for almost 40 years, the Israeli Government made them public early in March. Eichmann, a Nazi SS lieutenant colonel, was executed in 1962 in Israel for ”crimes against the Jewish people and against humanity.” Eichmann wrote these diaries during the months following the passing of his death sentence. They are […]

  • Father Horacio Moreno dies, precursor in promoting the interconfessional dialogue

    BUENOS AIRES, Thursday, 16th.of November 2006 (ZENIT.org.).- This Thursday, in the city of Buenos Aires, Father Horacio Fidel Moreno, died at the age of 88 . He was a precursor in promoting the interconfessional dialogue in Latin America. He was born in the city of Quilmes on the 29th of May, 1918. Amongst many other […]

  • Rome’s Rabbi Joins Wallenberg Foundation

    ROME, NOV. 6, 2006 (Zenit.org).- The Chief Rabbi of Rome has accepted the invitation to become an honorary member of the Raoul Wallenberg Foundation, joining the ranks of heads of state and Nobel Prize laureates. Riccardo Di Segni’s move came amid the context of a visit of a delegation of the Wallenberg Foundation to the […]

  • Wallenberg Foundation Greets Benedict XVI

    Meets Religious Leaders in Rome VATICAN CITY, SEPT. 29, 2006 (Zenit.org).- A delegation of the Raoul Wallenberg Foundation, led by founder Baruj Tenembaum, greeted Benedict XVI in Rome. The foundation, dedicated to remembering those who risked their lives to save those persecuted during the Second World War, met with the Pope after Wednesday’s general audience […]

  • ZENIT Director Wins Wallenberg Prize

    ROME, SEPT. 22, 2006 (Zenit.org).- Jesús Colina, the director of ZENIT, will be awarded the 2006 Raoul Wallenberg Prize ”in recognition of excellence in news reporting at the service of interconfessional dialogue and reconciliation.” That is how the citation from the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation reads. The prize will be awarded Sept. 28 at the […]

  • Wallenberg Award 2006 to editor in chief/manager of Zenit

    ROME, Friday September 22nd 2006 (ZENIT.org).- The International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation will bestow the Raoul Wallenberg Award 2006 to Jesús Colina, editor of the International Catholic News Agency Zenit, ”in recognition of the excellence of their informative work aimed to benefit and help interdenominational dialogue and reconciliation”, as explained by the motivation. The award will […]

  • Hungarian Martyr to Be Beatified

    1st Beatification in Hungary in 900 Years BUDAPEST, Hungary, SEPT. 17, 2006 (Zenit.org).- , Sister Sara Salkahazi a nun shot to death for sheltering Jews in Hungary during World War II, will be beatified in Budapest. The beatification, the first to take place in Hungary in 900 years, will be presided over by Cardinal Peter […]

  • Wallenberg Foundation to Be Honored

    BUENOS AIRES, Argentina, AUG. 20, 2006 (Zenit.org).- Argentina’s Mother Teresa Popular Library will honor the Raoul Wallenberg International Foundation with a community service award. According to the executive commission in charge of awarding the Mother Teresa of Calcutta prize, the foundation has ”developed a cultural educational movement in favor of life, solidarity and dialogue between […]

  • On Jewish-Catholic Ties and the Role of John XXIII

    Founder of Wallenberg Foundation Gives His Perspective NEW YORK, OCT. 26, 2005 (Zenit.org).- A Jewish leader considers the Second Vatican Council’s declaration ”Nostra Aetate” of 40 years ago a landmark that completely redefined relations between Catholics and Jews. Baruch Tenembaum, president and founder of the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation, recalled the importance, in this connection, […]

  • Blessed Elisabetta Hesselblad declared ”Righteous” by Israel

    VATICAN CITY, JUNE 7, 2005 (Zenit.org).- The proclamation of Blessed Maria Elisabetta Hesselblad as ”Righteous Among the Nations” is a source of hope for Benedict XVI. The Pope expressed this in a telegram sent in his name by Cardinal Angelo Sodano, Vatican secretary of state, on the occasion of the granting of this award by […]

  • For Pioneer in Jewish-Catholic Dialogue, a Day to Remember

    Says Founder of Raoul Wallenberg International ROME, JAN. 18, 2005 (Zenit.org).- For Baruch Tenembaum, founder of the Raoul Wallenberg International Foundation, and one of the pioneers of the dialogue between Jews and Catholics, this was a historic day. For the first time, a Pope, John Paul II, received in private audience a group of some […]

  • New Information Service on Judeo-Christian Dialogue Announced

    Promoted by the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation ROME, NOV. 7, 2004 (Zenit.org).- The International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation announced the creation of a news service on Judeo-Christian dialogue. The news bulletin will be produced in collaboration with ZENIT news agency and will be published initially in Spanish and English. The foundation is an independent, educational NGO […]

  • Statue Unveiled to Italian Franciscan Who Saved Many From Nazi Persecution

    Inauguration Took Place in the Basilica of St. Anthony of Padua PADUA, Italy, OCT. 22, 2004 (Zenit.org).- A bust of Father Placido Cortese, known for his efforts to save numerous people from Nazi persecution, was unveiled in the Basilica of St. Anthony of Padua. Born Nicolo Cortese di Cherso and called Father Placido by his […]

  • Nourishing the Ties Between Judaism and Catholicism

    Interview with Baruch Tenembaum, Founder of Wallenberg Foundation JERUSALEM, JULY 8, 2004 (Zenit.org).- As the 18th international meeting of the Catholic-Jewish Liaison Committee was closing in Argentina, ZENIT interviewed Baruch Tenembaum, an Argentine-born Jew who established the Raoul Wallenberg Foundation and the Angelo Roncalli Committee. The Wallenberg Foundation was named after the Swedish diplomat who […]

  • The Portuguese Who Saved Thousands During the War

    Aristides de Sousa Mendes Defied His Government’s Rules VATICAN CITY, JUNE 21, 2004 (Zenit.org).- Cardinal Renato Martino presided at a Mass in Rome in memory of a Portuguese consul who saved the lives of thousands of people, including 10,000 Jews, during World War II. During his homily Thursday, the cardinal-president of the Pontifical Council for […]

  • Marco Roncalli receives accolade

    Vatican City – Friday, June 13th, 2008 (Zenit.org). The Internationl Raol Wallenberg Foundation recognizes John XXIII for his advancement of religious dialogues. Also honored was the intelectual, Marco Roncalli. Roncalli is one of the leading authorities on John XXIII. His research, published in various books and articles, has helped to highlight aspects of the life […]

  • Tribute Made to Brazilian Envoy Who Helped Jews

    Luiz Martins de Souza Dantas Contravened Orders NEW YORK, DEC. 21, 2004 (Zenit.org).- The International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation recently paid tribute to Brazilian diplomat Luiz Martins de Souza Dantas, who saved numerous Jews from the Nazis. Souza, motivated by what he later called a ”feeling of Christian mercy,” granted diplomatic visas to hundreds of Jews […]

  • Martyr Chose God’s Kingdom Over Hitler’s

    Franz Jägerstätter to Be Beatified Next Month LINZ, Austria, SEPT. 3, 2007 (Zenit.org).- Franz Jägerstätter wrote that he would gladly renounce the rights that came from belonging to the Third Reich in favor of deserving the rights granted by the kingdom of God. He was killed in 1943 and will be beatified next month. A […]

  • Cardinal Angelo Sodano Ends His Visit to New York

    NEW YORK – Cardinal Angelo Sodano, Vatican Secretary of State, took advantage of his trip to the United States to participate in the September 6-8 U.N. Millennium Summit on behalf of John Paul II, to visit some Catholic communities in the country and to have a very moving meeting with Jewish representatives. On September 5, […]