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  • He Saved Jewish Children

    The International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation remembers Sir Nicholas Winton, who died recently and who has been compared to Wallenberg. The Opinion Pages | Letter To the Editor: Re “Nicholas Winton, 1909-2015: Quiet Rescuer in Nazi Europe” (front page, July 2): Your obituary rightly points out that Nicholas Winton, who rescued mostly Jewish children in Czechoslovakia, […]

  • Two Heroes of the Holocaust

    LETTERS Regarding “Recalling a defiant lifesaver” (IHT, July 11): I was interested to read Raphael Minder’s article about the tribute to Aristides de Sousa Mendes, the Portuguese consul to Bordeaux who issued visas that saved thousands of Jews from the Nazi invasion of France. Several years ago, I was honored to join the Raoul Wallenberg […]

  • Armenian Genocide of 1915: An Overview

    On the eve of World War I, there were two million Armenians in the declining Ottoman Empire. By 1922, there were fewer than 400,000. The others — some 1.5 million — were killed in what historians consider a genocide. As David Fromkin put it in his widely praised history of World War I and its […]

  • Shifra Lerer, actress in Yiddish Theater, dies at 95

    Shifra Lerer, who was discovered at age 5 in Argentina by the great Yiddish actor Boris Thomashefsky and went on to become a winsome and wide-ranging trouper of the Yiddish theater for the next 90 years, died on Saturday in Manhattan. She was 95. The cause was a heart attack and a stroke, said Hy […]

  • The Builder

    It was great reading Deborah Solomon’s interview with Felix Rohatyn (Questions for, Feb. 8). Rohatyn saved the city of New York back in 1975, and his insight and common sense are relevant to our turbulent times. One thing I missed in the interview was the fact that Rohatyn himself had been saved from the Nazis […]

  • How Democracy Produced a Monster

    To the Editor: Re ”How Democracy Produced a Monster,” by Ian Kershaw (Op-Ed, Feb. 3): The rise of Hitler was indeed a unique episode in history. But we need to remember, as we look at countries where democratic means are used by authoritarian rulers and where human rights are ignored, at best, that during the […]

  • The Truth About a Hero’s Death

    Raoul Wallenberg, the Swedish diplomat who saved thousands of Hungarian Jews from the Nazis, vanished mysteriously in January 1945 on his way to the Soviet Army’s headquarters outside Budapest. Now, after decades of official Soviet denials and lies about Wallenberg’s death, a Russian official investigating the case has acknowledged that the heroic Swede was probably […]