The first world index dedicated to the Second World War hero, Raoul Wallenberg, is already available on the Internet site of the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation, organization which created and edited this singular project of Encyclopedic profile.
‘What Raoul Wallenberg did goes beyond his own time and all times in general. It is lasting due to the fact that his actions of solidarity with tens of thousands of persecuted and condemned to death by Nazism, are based on non perishable values, which must be the basement of any education pretending to form people of good will’, said the founder of the IRWF, Baruch Tenembaum, from New York.
The index is an exhaustive work, which took more than six months for its initial presentation. It includes more than seventy thematic entries classified in the 21 countries selected. They offer the student, teacher, scholar, journalist or people in general an easy way to look for any event related to the Swedish diplomat, free of charge.
In the permanently updated pages of this index people can find monuments, sculptures, paintings, records and movies: as well as reports on contests, showings, exhibitions, streets, squares and many other topics directly related to the person and the actions of solidarity of whom disappeared in the hands of the Soviet army on January 17, 1945.
‘Wallenberg was not only a remarkable man of good will who transmits us the most expensive values to the Jewish – Catholic community, but also an upright public servant who did not used his position to take advantage of it and who, besides, paid the price of his courage and decision with his physical disappearance, a fact so sadly related to the most recent Hispano-American history.’ pointed out Tenembaum.