As mentioned, any actual reason for Raoul Wallenberg’s arrest and imprisonment has not been established. There is not one predominant reason for the arrest discussed in this Extended Essay, is any more convincing than the other ones. The theory based around a Soviet suspicion of Wallenberg performing espionage for either Germany, Britain or USA, is supported by many convincing facts such as Ivar Olssen’s involvement, yet contradicted by the destinies of the two captured Swiss diplomats, Meier and Feller, and the document naming Wallenberg together with the them. Hans Magnusson’s opinion about Wallenberg being arrested as an ”exchange-object” seems equally plausible as the espionage-suspicion, but raises questions about the Soviet action after the arrest. Meanwhile, the more speculative probabilities (regarding Wallenberg as a symbol for capitalism and the possibility of recruitment as a spy) cannot be ignored. The fact that there is no reason more probable than any other, suggest that there never was any clear reason why the Soviet Regime decided to capture Wallenberg. One concluding theory would be that underlying the arrest, was a mixture of different explanations. Amongst these, scepticism towards Wallenberg’s operation in Budapest, mistrust towards him as a person, interest in what he knew (both about Germans and Soviet activities) and possible usage of him as a trading object in order to get back lost Russian citizens.
The question about Wallenberg’s arrest is still being asked. After all of the research done it is still unclear which the most important motive for his arrest was, or if there was any clear motive behind this decision. Perhaps one will have to accept that the real reason for both Wallenberg’s arrest and the subsequent disappearance may never be known.