The Memorial Mural to the victims of the Holocaust and to the terrorist attacks against the Israel Embassy and the AMIA has its place within a synagogue in the city of Buenos Aires.
Due to the 75th anniversary of the Adat Israel community on November 20 1999, a natural size replica (1,80 x 1,20 meters) of the fist memorial in the world installed in a Christian temple was inaugurated.
The ceremony took place in the temple located on 73 Asamblea Av., where more than three hundred people among active members of the Adat Israel and special guests were present.
The following people spoke next to the mural: Dr. José Ignacio García Hamilton, historian and General Secretary of Casa Argentina en Jerusalem (Argentine House in Jerusalem), the non-governmental interfaith organization which promoted the installation of the singular memorial in 1997; Charles Papiernik, survivor of the Auschwitz concentration camp; Father Bernardo Penedo, priest of the ‘Sacred Eucharist’ Parish, personal delegate of the Buenos Aires Archbishopric for the Interfaith relations and member of Casa Argentina en Jerusalem and Rabbi Simón Moguilevsky of the Argentine Israeli Congregation (Libertad Temple).
The last to speak was the President of the Adat Israel community, Engineer José Magazanik, who stressed not only the effort made to give new life to the Synagogue, but also the importance of the promotion and intensification of relations between religions.
Among the large audience present it is worth mentioning Lieutenant Colonel Clemente Horacio Magallanes of the General Staff of the Argentine Army and personal delegate in the ceremony of Lieutenant General of the Army.
The excellent singer Karina Silverman cheered the evening up with songs in Spanish, English, and Hebrew.