On Sunday, September 26th 2004 at 6:00 p.m.
together with the International Raoul-Wallenberg-Foundation at the Vaterunser-Kirche in Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Detmolder Str. 17 – 18, we will inaugurate a memorial plate, which remembers the victims of the Holocaust and those murdered in the attack to the Israeli Embassy in Buenos Aires in 1992 and the Jewish Community Center (AMIA) in 1994.
Together with Baruch Tenembaum, the founder of the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation, I warmly invite you to this inauguration and the following reception.
Bishop Dr. Wolfgang Huber
Chairman of the Council of the Protestant Church in Germany

The memorial plate is a replica of a panel which hangs in the Cathedral in Buenos Aires. Documents of the Jewish culture and religion which were salvaged from places of wreckage and destruction have been worked into the memorial—for example, a prayer book with commentary from the Wilna Ghetto or a section of the Kaddish from the ruins of the synagogue in the Warsaw Ghetto. It was the desire of Baruch Tenembaum to bring a replica of this memorial plate to a Protestant church in Berlin as a symbol of reconciliation.