She was born on March 5th, 1968, in Buenos Aires.
She’s a Librarian, specialist in Documentation, graduated with honours (National University of Mar del Plata) and Teacher of English (Argentine Association of English Culture).
Because of her father’s job, a Ship Captain of the Argentine Merchant Marine, she traveled, as a child, to Poland, Russia and Lithuania (then they were part of the U.S.S.R.), Europe, Canary Islands, Libya and Algeria with her family. These trips, being a grown-up, were the basis for her interest in the human rights’ defense and the pacific living together of the different religions, traditions and customs.
She worked as Accountant Assistant in private companies as SACOA and McCain Argentina, and in the Buenos Aires Institute for the Management Development, branch Balcarce, a Provincial Government office.
She does volunteer work as an English Translator for the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation.
Nowadays she’s living in Balcarce, a southeastern city of the Buenos Aires Province. She’s a housewife and has two children.