Name: Raoul Wallenberg Human Szakkozepiskola es Gimnazium
A fully renewed secondary school was named after Raoul Wallenberg (”Raoul Wallenberg Human Vocational and Grammar School”). An exhibition organized by the Raoul Wallenberg Foundation and Association, presenting Raoul Wallenberg’s life was opened in the school.
Location: 1083 Budapest Lodovika ter 1
Director: Dr. Maria Papp
Phone:36-1-3337798, 36-1-2102541, 36-1-3343095
Fax:36-1-3135482, 36-1-2102900
Honoring the Late Ambassador Per Anger
Name: Co-memorial evening for the Late Ambassador Per Anger
The Swedish Embassy in Hungary, Budapest hosted a co-memorial evening for the Late Ambassador Per Anger on the 12th of December 2002. A concert by excellent Hungarian musicians was followed by a reception given by the Ambassador of Sweden, Mr. Staffan Carlsson.
Location: Budapest
Monument & Memorial Park
Name: The Raoul Wallenberg Memorial Park of the Righteous people.
Erected on 1998. The plaque on the monument lists the names of ”Righteous people”, beginning with Raoul Wallenberg, who saved Jewish lives in Hungary during WWII, as a landmark for the post Holocaust generations.
Location: In front of the Holocaust Memorial Tree, beside the main synagogue.
Address: Zsinagóga, VII. Dohany Street 2.
Budapest 317-2754
For information contact:
Ms. Farago Vera
Magyar Zsido Muzeum
Budapest, 1077
Dohany U. 2 Hungary
Web sites:
Sculptor: Pal Patzay
A sculpture of Saint George fighting a serpent was erected in Wallenberg’s honour on April 10, 1949. It represents a symbol of Wallenberg’s fight against the Nazis.
Location: It was originally in Budapest, XIII. Szent Istvan Park (St. Stephen’s Park). It was removed before unveiling. Today is in Debrecen, in front of the Biogal pharmaceutical factory.
Replica 1. In the original size.
1999. (April 18.)
Sculptor: On the basis of Patzay’s work: Sandor Gyorfi
Location: Budapest, XIII. Szent Istvan park (St. Stephen’s Park -in the original place). The re-erection was initiated by the Wallenberg Statue Committee.
Replica 2. In smaller size.
Sculptor: Pal Patzay
Budapest, IX. In front of the Radiological Clinic (Ulloi street).
Name: Wallenberg Street
Since 1945.
Location: Budapest, XIII. (13th) district. Former Phonix Street. This is the district where the „Swedish houses” were located in 1944-45.
1136 Budapest, Raoul Wallenberg u 4.
Web site:
Name: Wallenberg Memorial Plaque
A Memorial Plaque was unveiled in the court-yard at the new Raoul Wallenberg Guesthouse of Collegium Budapest on May 2001.
Location: Wallenberg Guesthouse, Budapest, I. Toldy Ferenc Street 8-10.
Guesthouse: Budapest -The Raoul Wallenberg Guesthouse
Address: Toldy Ferenc utca. 8-10 &
Szabó Ilonka u. 7
H-1015 Budapest
Web sites:
Name: Wallenberg Centre.
In 1992, the ICEJ opened the Wallenberg Centre in Budapest to serve as a central European base for Ukraine aliyah (immigration to Israel) projects and to reach out to the large Jewish community of Hungary.
ICEJ c/o R. Wallenberg Centre
Filler utca.67
Budapest 1022
Phone: 36-1-326724
Fax: 36-1-326724
A project of:
International Christian Embassy Jerusalem
PO Box 1192
Rachel Imeinu 20
Jerusalem 91010
Tel: +972-2- 566 9823
Fax: + 972-2-566 9970
Web site:
Name: Raoul Wallenberg Egyesulet (Association)
Founded on December 17, 1988.
1082 Budapest VIII. Baross u. 61./515.
1447 Budapest, PO Box 464.
Phone/Fax: (36)-1-3135439
Executive Board:
Andras Sipos (Chairman), Dr. Ferenc Orosz, Endre Bela Huff, Gyorgy Kaiser, Dr. Jozsef Sebes.
Name: Raoul Wallenberg Sculpture.
A bronze statue of Raoul Wallenberg in the Holocaust Chamber of the Jewish Museum.
Location: Jewish Museum Holocaust Chamber in Budapest
Sculptor: Lazlo Csiky. Member of ” Le Pinde Paris ” Art Association.
600 Szentes, Ifjúsági sétány 13. Hungary.
Phone/ Fax: 36
E-mail :
Name: Raoul Wallenberg-stamp
Issued on July 30, 1992.
Value: 15 Ft
Issued by the Hungarian postage stamps in 1992 on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of Wallenberg and the occasion of the Wallenberg exhibition organized by the Hungarian Wallenberg Foundation and Association.
Name: Wallenberg-monument (statue)
April 15, 1987.
Sculptor: Imre Varga
Location: Budapest, II. Szilagyi Erzsebet fasor
Memorial Plaque
Name: Wallenberg memorial plaque
August 4, 1989
Sculptor: Gero Bottos
Location: Budapest, XIII. Wallenberg Street
Memorial Plaque
Name: Memorial plaque of Raoul Wallenberg, Carl-Ivan Danielson and Per Anger (bronze)
Unveiled on 1994.
Sculptor: Antal Czinder (member of the Raoul Wallenberg Association)
Location: Budapest, XI. Minerva (former Gyopar) Street; on the wall of the former Swedish Embassy.
Memorial Plaque
Name: Wallenberg memorial plaque (marble)
Unveiled on October 8, 2001.
Sculptor: Antal Czinder
Location: Budapest, VI. Benczur Street 16. (On the wall of the building where Wallenberg was captured in January, 1945; today the Austrian Embassy)
Memorial Plaque
Name: Wallenberg memorial plaque (marble)
Sculptor: Antal Czinder
Location: Budapest, 36 Andrassy Street, on the wall of the house where Vilmos Langfelder, Raoul Wallenberg’s co-worker and fellow-sufferer lived.
Name: Raoul Wallenberg Alapítvány
Created on 1990.
Address: 1447 Budapest, PO Box 464.
Phone/Fax: (36)-1-3135439
Curators: Peter Bajtay, Maria Ember, Gyorgy Kaiser, Dr. Jozsef Sebes (chairman)