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- Recordando a Raoul Wallenberg
Era una visión inolvidable. En un día frío de Noviembre de 1944, no lejos de la frontera Húngaro-Austriaca, un joven aparentemente desconocido, al que alguien identificó susurrando como un diplomático sueco llamado Wallenberg, pasando al lado del oficial de la SS que supervisaba el tren de deportados, trepó al techo del tren, y comenzó a […]
It was an unforgettable sight. On a cold November 1944 day, not far from the Hungarian-Austrian border, a young looking stranger, who someone whispered was a Swedish diplomat named Wallenberg, walked past the SS officer supervising the deportation train, climbed up on the roof of the train, and began handing safe-conduct passes through the doors, […]