The International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation, Casa Argentina en Jerusalem and Sudamericana Publishing house organized a debate on Thursday, November 19, 1998 about the book ”Perón y los alemanes” (Perón and the Germans), by Argentine journalist Uki Goñi.

José Ignacio García Hamilton, historian; Professor Holger Meding, researcher at the Cologne University in Germany; Beatriz Gurevich, researcher on Nazi activities in Argentina; Gloria Rodrigué, President of Sudamericana and the author participated in the prensentation.
More than 100 people attended the debate, among whom it is worth mentioning Professor Robert Potash, writer Marcos Aguinis and journalist Robert Cox, former editor of the Buenos Aires Herald daily newspaper during the Argentine dictatorship (1976-1983), to whom Uki Goñi pointed out as the ”Argentine Wallenberg”.
A surprise
Minutes before the meeting started, arrived Professor Guy Von Dardel, Raoul Wallenberg’s brother, who read an acknowledgement declaration to The International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation for the spreading of the Swedish diplomat’s case who at the age of 32, and after saving the lives of tens of thousands of persecuted people in Nazi occupied Hungary in the Second World War, disappeared after being kidnapped by the Soviet army. His destiny is still unknown. The translation into Spanish of the declaration was read by Mrs. Evelyne Szelenyi, Chief of Staff of US Congressman Tom Lantos who is the promoter of Wallenberg´s proclamation as American honorary citizen in 1981 by the US Congress.