- George Abela
Former President of the Republic of Malta - Valdas Adamkus
Former President of the Republic of Lithuania - Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo
President of Ghana - János Áder
Former President of the Republic of Hungary - Nicos Anastasiades
President of the Republic of Cyprus - Askar Akayev
Former President of the Kyrgyz Republic - Jacques-Édouard Alexis
Former Prime Minister of the Republic of Haiti - Mari Alkatiri
Former Prime Minister of the Democratic Republic of East Timor - Kenny D. Anthony
Former Prime Minister of Saint Lucia - Andrej Babis
Former Prime Minister of the Czech Republic - Frederick N. Ballantyne
Former Governor General St. Vincent and The Grenadines - Ehud Barak
Former Minister of Defense of the State of Israel - Marek Belka
Former Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland - Sali Berisha
Former Prime Minister of the Republic of Albania - Andris Berzins
Former President of the Republic of Latvia - Lester B. Bird
Former Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda - Enrique Bolaños
Former President of Nicaragua - Gordon Brown
Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom - Gaston Browne
Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda - Silvia Cartwright
Former Governor General of New Zealand - Anibal Cavaco Silva
Former President of Portugal - Miro Cerar
Former Prime Minister of Slovenia - Pierre Charles
Former Prime Minister of the Commonwealth of Dominica - Jean Chretien
Former Prime Minister of Canada - Lin Chuan
Former Prime Minister of the Republic of China, Taiwan - Helen Clark
Former Prime Minister of New Zealand - Adrienne Clarkson
Former Governor General of Canada - Glafcos Clerides
Former President of the Republic of Cyprus - Rafael Correa Delgado
Former President of the Republic of Ecuador - Pascal Couchepin
Former President of the Swiss Confederation - Branko Crvenkovski
Former Prime Minister of Macedonia - Pierre Dartout
Minister of State of the Principality of Monaco - Guido de Marco
Former President of the Republic of Malta - Dominique de Villepin
Former Prime Minister of the Republic of France - Joseph Deiss
Former President of the Swiss Confederation - Milo Djukanovic
President of Montenegro - Valdis Dombrovskis
Former Prime Minister of the Republic of Latvia - Jose Eduardo Dos Santos
Former President of the Republic of Angola - Dame Ivy Dumont, DCMG
Former Governor General of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas - Jose Manuel Barroso
Former Prime Minister of Portugal - Mikulas Dzurinda
Former Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic - Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj
Former President of Mongolia - Indulis Emsis
Former Prime Minister of the Republic of Latvia - Edward Fenech Adami
Former President of the Republic of Malta - Petr Fiala
Prime Minister of the Czech Republic
- Robert Fico
Former Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic - Vladimir Filat
Former Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova - Pavel Filip
Former Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova - Francois Fillon
Former Prime Minister of the Republic of France - Heinz Fischer
Former President of Austria - Jan Fischer
Former Prime Minister of the Czech Republic - Sir Arthur Foulkes
Former Governor General of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas - Vicente Fox Quesada
Former President of the Unites States of Mexico - Vaira-Vike Freiberga
Former President of the Republic of Latvia - Ivan Gasparovic
Former President of the Slovak Republic - Hage. G. Geingob
Former Prime Minister of the Republic of Namibia - Julia Gillard
Former Primer Minister of Australia - Ralph E. Gonsalves
Prime Minister of St. Vincent and The Grenadines - Festus Mogae
Former President of the Republic of Botswana - Gordon Bajnai
Former Prime Minister of the Republic of Hungary
- Dalia Grybauskaite
Former President of the Republic of Lithuania - Armando Emilio Guebuza
Former President of Mozambique - Ferenc Gyurcsany
Former Prime Minister of the Republic of Hungary - His Majesty The King Harald V
King of Norway - Stephen Harper
Former Prime Minister of Canada - Adrian Hasler
Former Prime Minister of the Principality of Liechtenstein - Otmar Hasler
Former Prime Minister of the Principality of Liechtenstein - Toomas Hendrik Ilves
Former President of the Republic of Estonia - Samuel Hinds
Former Prime Minister of the Republic of Guyana - Dr. Jose Ramos-Horta
President of Timor-Leste - Hans-Adam II
Prince of Liechtenstein - Francois Hollande
Former President of France - Frank Hsieh
Former Prime Minister of the Republic of China - Ion Iliescu
Former President of Romania - Hubert Ingraham
Former Prime Minister of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas - Janez Jansa
Former Prime Minister of Slovenia - Michaëlle Jean
Former Governor General of Canada - Jean Claude Juncker
President of the European Commission
Former Prime Minister of Luxembourg - Jaroslaw Kaczynski
Former Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland - Aigars Kalvitis
Former Prime Minister of the Republic of Latvia - Enoch P. Kavindele
Former Vice President of the Republic of Zambia - Stephenson King
Former Prime Minister of Saint Lucia - Gediminas Kirkilas
Former Prime Minister of the Republic of Lithuania - Andrej Kiska
Former President of the Slovak Republic - Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović
Former President of Croatia - Mari Kiviniemi
Former Prime Minister of Finland - Vaclav Klaus
Former President of the Czech Republic - Željko Komšic
Former Member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina - Jadranka Kosor
Former Prime Minister of the Republic of Croatia - Dimitar Kovačevski
Former Prime Minister of the Republic of Macedonia - Andrius Kubilius
Former Prime Minister of the Republic of Lithuania - Milan Kucan
Former President of the Republic of Slovenia - Leonid Kuchma
Former President of Ukraine - Aleksander Kwasniewski
Former President of the Republic of Poland - Mart Laar
Former Prime Minister of the Republic of Estonia - Luis Alberto Lacalle
Former President of the Republic of Uruguay - Ricardo Lagos
Former President of the Republic of Chile - Egils Levits
Former President of Latvia - Doris Leuthard
Former President of the Swiss Confederation - Kjell Magne Bondevik
Former Prime Minister of Norway - Kazimierz Marcinkiewicz
Former Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland - HRH Maria Teresa
Grand Duchess of Luxembourg, Luxembourg - Paul Martin
Former Prime Minister of Canada - Jack McConnell MSP
Former Prime Minister of Scotland - Rexhep Meidani
Former President of the Republic of Albania - Angela Merkel
Former Chancellor of Germany - Stjepan Mesic
Former President of the Republic of Croatia - Ilir Meta
Former President of the Republic of Albania - James Alix Michel
Former President of the Republic of Seychelles - Leszek Miller
Former Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland - His Majesty the King Mohammed VI
King of Morocco - Mireya Moscoso
Former President of the Republic of Panama - Said Musa
Former Prime Minister of Belize - Isidore Mvouba
Former Prime Minister of Congo-Brazzaville - Adrian Nastase
Former Prime Minister of Romania - Souleymane NDene Ndiaye
Former Prime Minister of the Republic of Senegal - Petr Necas
Former Prime Minister of the Czech Republic - Bujar Nishani
Former President of Albania - Gustavo Noboa Bejarano
Former President of the Republic of Ecuador - Zurab Nogaideli
Former Prime Minister of the Republic of Georgia - Raila Amollo Odinga
Former President of Kenya - Abel Pacheco de la Espriella
Former President of the Republic of Costa Rica - Borut Pahor
President of Slovenia - Rolandas Paksas
Former President of the Republic of Lithuania - Juhan Parts
Former Prime Minister of the Republic of Estonia - Pedro Passos Coelho
Former Prime Minister of Portugal - Andrés Pastrana Arango
Former President of Colombia - Peter Pellegrini
Former Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic - Shimon Peres
Former President of the State of Israel - Mizengo Pinda
Former Prime Minister of the United Republic of Tanzania - Rosen Plevneliev
Former President of the Republic of Bulgaria - Rumen Radev
President of the Republic of Bulgaria - Iveta Radiová
Former Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic - Norodom Ranariddh
Former President of the National Assembly of the Kingdom of Cambodia - Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa
President of Portugal - Dame Patsy Reddy
Former Governor-General of New Zealand - Kiril Petkov
Former Prime Minister of the Republic of Bulgaria - Einars Repse
Former Prime Minister of the Republic of Latvia - Michel Roger
Former Minister of State of the Principality of Monaco - Arnold Rüütel
Former President of the Republic of Estonia - Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi
Former Prime Minister of the Independent State of Samoa - Jorge Sampaio
Former President of the Republic of Portugal - Pedro Santana Lopes
Former Prime Minister of the Republic of Portugal - Serzh Sargsyan
Former President of Armenia - Alexander Schallenberg
Federal Chancellor of the Republic of Austria - Gerhard Schröder
Former Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany - Rudolf Schuster
Former President of the Slovak Republic - Ariel Sharon
Former Prime Minister of the State of Israel - Dr. José Ulisses Correia e Silva
Prime Minister of the Republic of Cabo Verde - Raymond Ndong Sima
Former Prime Minister of Gabon - Markus Söder
Minister-President of Bavaria - Lobo Sosa
Former President of Honduras - Baldwin Spencer
Former Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda - Vladimir Spidla
Former Prime Minister of the Czech Republic - Petar Stoyanov
Former President of the Republic of Bulgaria - Rishi Sunak
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom - Vasile Tarlev
Former Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova - Serge Telle
Former Minister of State of the Principality of Monaco - Helle Thorning-Schmidt
Former Prime Minister of Denmark - Bamir Topi
Former President of the Republic of Albania - Klaus Tschutscher
Former Prime Minister of Liechtenstein - Danilo Turk
Former President of the Republic of Slovenia - Donald Tusk
Former President of the European Council
Former Prime Minister of Poland - Serafim Urechean
Former Prime Minister of Moldova - Herman Van Rompuy
Former Prime Minister of Belgium - Tabaré Vazquez
Former President of the Republic of Uruguay - Geogre Vella
President of Malta - Vladimir Voronin
Former President of the Republic of Moldova - Filip Vujanovic
Former President of Montenegro - Tsai Ing-wen
President of the Republic of China (Taiwan) - Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf
Former President of the Swiss Confederation - Eliud T. Williams
Former President of the Commonwealth of Dominica - Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao
Former Prime Minister of the Democratic Republic of Timor Leste - Philemon Yang
Former Prime Minister of Cameroon - Ma Ying-jeou
Former President of the Republic of China - Paramanga Ernest Yonli
Former Prime Minister of Burkina Faso - Colville Young
Former Governor General of Belize - Valdis Zatlers
Former President of the Republic of Latvia - Milos Zeman
President of the Czech Republic - H.E. Pierre Dartout
Ministre d’Etat de la Principauté de Monaco - President DR. Jose Ramos-Horta
East Timor - Prime Minister Dr. José Ulisses Correia e Silva
Cabo Verde - Prime Minister Rishi Sunak
United Kingdom
July 3, 2017