The International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation is searching for a Polish Catholic Rescuer to be recognized by the Yad Vashem Institute in Jerusalem.

Information is required regarding Jozef Borzecki, who during WWI resided in the village of Piaski Szlacheckie, in the Lubelskie province, south east Poland. According to testimonies, Borzecki sheltered a Jewish family – a mother and three young daughters – at his home for one month in 1942.
The penalty for helping Jews in anyway in Nazi occupied Poland was death.
Borzecki also provided the family with false identity papers bearing his own surname, allowing them to flee to Warsaw and live there as gentiles.
It is believed that Jozef Borzecki had four sons.
The four women survived the war thanks to this Polish rescuer’s help.
Anyone who can provide testimonies and information regarding Jozef Borzecki, or his living relatives, is requested to contact the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation offices at:
New York – Abigail or Svetlana at 34 E 67 Street, New York, NY 10065, USA, Phone +1 212 7373275.
Buenos Aires – Gustavo at Avenida Corrientes 1145, Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina, Phone: + 54-11-4382-7872, or…
Jerusalem – Danny at 3 Antebi Street, Jerusalem, Israel – Phone + 972 2 6257996
Last year the foundation asked and received information on Stanislawa Slawinska, who shaletered Jewish families during WW II and was named as a Righteous Among Nations at the Yad Vashem Institute in Jerusalem last autumn.
Currently, over 6,000 Poles have been recognised by the Yad Vashem Institute as Righteous Among Nations for helping Jews during Nazi occupation.