July 20, 2007

Acknowledging Bergson


As a founder of the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation, I was very encouraged and challenged by Dr. Rafael Medoff’s two-part front-page essay ”The Bergson Group vs. the Holocaust – and Jewish Leaders vs. Bergson” (June 8 and 15).

Dr. Medoff not only helped readers to understand the ”big picture” of Holocaust activism, but also underscored how important it is to acknowledge and honor those people who made undaunted efforts to save Jews during World War II.

While the Allied Powers were hesitant to take aggressive action to end the Holocaust in Europe, it was a few dedicated Holocaust Saviors who rescued hundreds of thousands of Jews from the Nazis. Peter Bergson, for example, put the Holocaust on the public agenda in America; Raoul Wallenberg, another example, saved more than 100,000 Jews during his six-month stay in Budapest as a Swedish diplomat.

Many thanks to Dr. Medoff and The Jewish Press for giving this story the light it deserves.

Baruch Tenembaum
New York, NY